Week 3 – 1000 Miles Challenge

Week 3 was tough, I was able to get in two runs this past week.  Unfortunately I caught a bad cold and decided that I would take the weekend off and rest.  Today is a start to a new week; I am feeling much better and can’t wait to get some higher mileage in.  One of the runs this week I did on a treadmill just like all my past runs. On Thursday I took myself outside and was able to run on a nearby creek trail.  My favorite part of day to run outside is just as the sun is about to set, I was able to time it out perfect to where I reached home as the sun had set. Thankful that we have a trail so close to our house. The trail actually is about 4 miles from the beach, so goal is to get to a point where I can run all the way to the beach and back just on a normal day. This coming week I should be able to put in the highest mileage yet weekly.  Let’s see where we get. 973.33 miles to go, still have a lot of time this year! Total mileage last week: 11.03 miles.

My runs this week:

Date Mileage Ran Total Mileage Mileage Left
1/18 5.69 26.67 973.33
1/15 5.34 20.98 979.024

Anyone else doing a challenge like this? Let me know how it is going, very interested in hearing about it. Follow more on my journey here to 1,000 miles: 1000 Miles in 2018.

2 thoughts on “Week 3 – 1000 Miles Challenge

    1. Thank you so much! Takes time, but I think it’s getting to where I want it to be!

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